Daily Archives: 5 April 2012

More !!! Movie Sex Pot, Only 18 + Years Old .!!! warning for child !



Hai guys …. hadir lagi w menyapa kalian kalian semua …. gak henti hentinya ni yeh si mimin share tentang movie … malah file nya gede mamat lagi ….# pembaca menggerutu dalam hati … :mrgreen:

 ahaha iya nihh … secara kedua nya masih ON sob … yang 1 lari di jaringan 3G dan satu lagi 3.5G … jadi yah apa daya #gak nolak

 dari pada gak dimanfaatin ,, mending w dongdot film box office movie .. biarpun itu file nyampexxx 300 MB lebih film nya #Harry Potter sequel terakhir 🙂

Oh yah .. kali ni w mau share film lagi … yahh lagi lagi film yang beginian … woi min ….. dasarluh yah OMES …. apaan tuh omes ?

mimin purapura bego… # Omestuh Otak Mesum … (ASTAGHFIRULLAH ALAZZIM)

 jiaahhhh …. HHHIIIAAAATTTTSS … plaaaakkk 😈

 enak aje lo ngomong begonoan … w suka karna Lucunya … ➡ si mimin ngelass  :mrgreen:

 Okedeh tampa panjang lebar … langsung aja nyok simaax review nya …..


From the folks at The Asylum, the same company that produced such mockbusters as Snakes On A Train and Transmorphers comes a sex comedy that you’ll probably want to turn off and burn after about 15 minutes but if you stay with it you just may end up having some fun.

The story revolves around two teenage buddies, of course, who are undersexed and overstupid. Spanky is staying with Mert at Merts older brothers house for the weekend. Merts brother, who is out of town, of course has a huge supply of weed and a large porno collection, alot of which are homemade movies made by his psycho ex girlfriend.

As I said, for the first 15 minutes or so Spanky and Mert act like the most exaggerated sex comedy characters imaginable, high fiving each other over finding beer and talking about sex the way 10 year olds might.

The first few scenes are really asinine and almost made me turn the movie off, including fucking of foods and jerking off on a ledge while watching a woman undress, the woman of course then sits down on the toilet and takes a dump, but being on the ledge the boys are forced to hear the sounds of bowel movement in G minor.

Anyway, looking thru a DVD case they find a large amount of weird weed and an instruction DVD that tells them that this weed is a specially blended aphrodisiac. The neighbor girls they’ve been spying on invite them to a party and that’s when things sort of pick up.

Freed from the confines of the apartment and a limited amount of material, the boys venture out on a journey to the party. Along the way the deal with various other characters who help give the movie some comedic steam including a pair of hookers, various teenagers at a birthday party for a foul mouthed child and a bevy of pretty hot naked chicks.

Make no mistake about, the film is dumber than a box of paper bags but a good number of the jokes work on the level they’re intended or are so stupid that they’re funny in that regard as well.

Theres a ton of gratuitous nudity and more dick, cunt and shit humor than you can imagine but for the last hour or so it certainly wasn’t boring. I want to add that theres an actress in this movie by the name of Michelle Penick who absolutely melted my heart both with her cute hotness and her comedic timing. Actually alot of the auxiliary characters in this movie were pretty good.
Sex Pot: 57 Out Of 100 Stars

I’m having a hard time believing that I’m actually giving this an above average rating because, well…..I mean, it’s a shity fuckin movie but if the goal is to laugh then I think I laughed with or at this movie enough in the 90 minutes it played to be fair to it and give it this rating.
So there ya go, not anything on the level of a really good comedy but not the drizzling shits it appears to be either. It’s worth a look.

Okedehh yang mau yuuk dondload dimari




Silahkan dan selamat menikmati film nya 🙂

Akhir kata , Wassalam.

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Categories: Box Office Movie | 10 Komentar

Skin Bubue Deskclock HTC Style By Ars23 !!!

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Hai broth sist ….

    kali ni w tampa basa basi dah …. lagi sibuk nih ngerjain tugas sekolah …

yupp langsung ajalahh ke TKP …

kali ini w mau share beberapa kumpulan koleksi skin deskclock ku yang udah numpuk di HP … hehehe

kali ni dengan style ala HTC bro … udahh siaap ….? udaahh …

yukk liat penampakanya …..


Nahh Gimana ? Bagus kan ?

Yukk yang mau klik dibawah ini untuk melengkapi skin bubue kamu …


Okedeh …Happy Bloging .. 🙂

Akhir kata , Wassalam.

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Categories: Aplikasi | 2 Komentar




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